Pier Luca Montessoro is a composer and songwriter enrolled in the SIAE (“Italian Society of Authors and Publishers”), has released two albums with his original songs, is present on all the main digital music platforms and is engaged in various musical projects. His songs, with refined sounds and always different and never banal words and music, are mainly inspired by the classic romantic songwriting of the great Italian singer-songwriters, without however neglecting occasional forays into swing, blues and melodic rock. By following the links below it is possible to listen to the songs and watch the videos relating to the various albums and projects.
If you wish to stay informed about concerts and events, write to pierluca.montessoro@gmail.com asking to be included in the mailing list.
Fragili Nuvole Inquiete (Fragile Restless Clouds) - the concert
An intimate and intense concert. Texts and music by Pier Luca Montessoro, arrangements by Arno Barzan. On stage Pier Luca Montessoro (vocals and guitar), Arno Barzan (keyboards), Lorenzo Marcolina (clarinet and sax), Ermes Ghirardini (percussion), Francesca Smiraglia (vocals).
Luce (Light) album
A journey through many aspects, and surprises, of life.
Fragili Nuvole Inquiete (Fragile Restless Clouds) album
Twelve songs, fifty-four minutes of words, music and emotions. “In some mysterious way your melodies and words have found a way that goes straight to the heart.” S.I.
TIP: Earth, Hell and Heaven - The musical
A half-joking little musical, still a “work in progress”, written for the World Funeral Song Festival, an event that takes place every year in Rivignano (Udine) on the evening of 2 November.
Irish Dream
An exciting and engaging musical proposal that ranges from the Middle Ages to the present day, on the common thread of Irish history and culture.
Vox Cordis - The voice of the heart
An acoustic duo with delicate sounds that offers offers ancient and modern songs together with original pieces by Pier Luca Montessoro all connected by a harmonious common thread.
Doppia Identità Double Identity
Namely: Pier Luca Montessoro (vocals and guitars) and Stefano Morachiello (guitars and keyboards). An exclusively live duo (no backing tracks, sequencers or anything else) that presents acoustic arrangements of very famous songs from the international and Italian music scene. Some titles: Through the barricades, Desperado, Fiume Sand Creek, Hotel California, Proud Mary, Romeo and Juliet, Sultans of swing, Sweet Home Alabama, Tears in Heaven, When you say nothing at all, Wish you were here and others.
Awards, concerts ed events
Pictures and some videos of awards, concerts and musical events.
Digital platforms
Pier Luca Montessoro’s songs are available on all major digital platforms.